
We're seeing an exciting shift in how women approach fitness, health, and aging—with an emphasis on strength and longevity versus being small and thin. Unfortunately, the latter point of view has already caused some real damage to women's bodies, especially when it comes to bone health.
I recently saw a 30-year-old woman in my office with a startlingly low bone mass. This wasn't a one-off—I'm frequently seeing younger and younger women without good bone density. Whether it's because of ongoing calorie deficits, fear of bulking up with strength training, nutritional deficiencies, or maybe a combination of causes, it's alarming to see such poor bone quality so early on.
The scope of the problem
Some estimates show we reach peak bone mass between ages 25 and 35, with declines for women gaining momentum around age 40, or whenever we enter perimenopause and our formerly protective estrogen1 levels dip. We want to go into that phase of life with as much bone as we can, yet many women start with a disadvantage due to societal and cultural narratives about body size. Genetics can also play a part.
It is certainly alarming that more than half of women over age 50 have low bone mass, meaning their bones are getting weaker, though they aren't yet at the stage of osteoporosis.
And if you're wondering what the real danger of osteoporosis is, let me elaborate. Osteoporosis means you're losing bone mass faster than you're making it and signals bones that are becoming weaker and at a greater risk of breaking. Hip and spine fractures are some of the most devastating. Hip fractures often result in disability and increase the risk of death within a year after the injury, while spinal injuries can cause vertebrae to collapse, with extreme pain and postural misalignment.
So, what's a woman to do? Is it too late to make an impact?
The key thing to remember is that women of all ages should be thinking about their bone health as part of their overall well-being. Strong muscles are great and absolutely essential for healthy aging, but they are nothing but a pile of Jell-O if you don't have strong bones holding them up.
My top 4 bone health action items
Health is a balancing act, with inputs and outputs each playing a unique part in how each system of the body functions—bone is no exception. The following list offers the most impactful bone health habits anyone can embrace:
- Reduce alcohol intake.Chronic heavy drinking is associated with compromised bone quality and an increased risk of osteoporosis.
- Get more impact on your bones. Activities like jumping, hopping, and other forms of plyometric training are an effective way to build bone. The repetitive impact creates good hormetic stress on bone, which stimulates new bone tissue and increases bone density.
- Build lean muscle mass. Increases in muscle mass are positively associated with increases in bone density, and we want the two to go hand in hand. Another example of hormesis at work, the beneficial stress of muscle pulling on bone stimulates it to be stronger.
- Get enough of the right nutrients. Protein is essential to muscle protein synthesis, and creatine helps this process along too, especially as we age. Calcium directly influences the structure of bone, and vitamin D is required for the body to absorb calcium. Magnesium and vitamin K are also necessary. Eating a diet rich in protein, whole foods, and adequate calories is a nonnegotiable for bone health, and supplements can offer extra support as well.
- If you haven't already, stop smoking and vaping. Smoking is linked to2 increased risk of fracture and osteoporosis, as well as altered healing.
How to track your bone health
Take a look at your mother and grandmother—are they shrinking? If the answer is yes, it's a sign of vertebral loss. That means you're at a higher risk of bone loss.
For a deeper look at your risk, I suggest checking out the FRAX calculator to identify your likelihood of fracture. It's also a great idea to get regular DEXA scans.
These aren't covered by insurance until you hit 65, but they are about $99 out of pocket and well worth the investment to pinpoint your degree of bone health early on.
The takeaway
Being mindful about bone health is not just for women of retirement age. In fact, it's more beneficial to think about bone when you're younger and better able to build it. Supporting your bone health by reducing certain habits and embracing others, while staying on top of monitoring, is sure to benefit anyone who strives to age with strength and independence.